Private Retreat with Kate Sotero
12-16 March, 2025. Unwind & Align Retreat.
26 March-30 March, 2025. The priceless Peace retreat
2-6 April 2025/Nia retreat
10-15 April, 2025. Inner WavesYoga Retreat with OMMMYOGA
17-20 April 2025/ Ретрит "Жить играючи"
20-27 April, 7-11 May, 4-8 June, 29 June - 3 Aug, 10-14 Sep, 1-5 Oct, 2025/ Votre recherche de séjours bien-être et yoga
11-14 May, 2025. Woman's Health Retreat
17-22 May 2025/ Yoga and Art Retreat. Tina Bozic Yoga
17-22 June 2025. Move and Connect
17-20 July 2025 / embodied you
1-7 September 2025. Body and Mind
5-10 October, 2025. Yoga & Art Retreat Tina Bozic Yoga
11-16 October, 2025. Retreat with Loiisal
24-27 October, 2025. Reset and Restart Retreat